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Held by The Fundraising Guys
$1,270.00 Raised
25 supporters
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HOT TAM SUMMER 2024 - TC Energy
$21,285.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Marion McGaffney
  2. Lucy Wu
  3. Lev Tsukanov
  4. Ann Richter
  6. Tod McCulloch
  7. Breacada Keating
  8. Arsalan Ghaemi
  9. Anne Cooper
  10. Abbas Kherodawala
  11. Blair Fraser
  12. Ryan Kwong
  13. Joy Warne
  14. Lesley Flessa
  15. Tiff Shyu
  16. Tim Turnbull
  17. Cole Zubick
  18. Justin Chang
  19. Cam McCulloch
  20. Allison Davelaar
  21. Naomi Crich
  22. Jacob Hall
  23. Linda Houwers
  24. Emily Wilkens
  25. Julia Soldner
  26. Dr Mantis Tobaggan MD


This will be our third year participating as part of Hot Tam Summer, a larger team dedicated to the memory of Tamara O'Brien who lived her best life in spite of cancer. This month is about celebrating Tamara and continuing to carry on her passion and absolute joy for life! May is not only the month for the workout to conquer cancer, but it is also melanoma awareness month. The full team page can be found here:


Our smaller team is comprised of three members, Owen McSteamy, Matt McDreamy and Justin. For this year's event, for the entire month of May we will be working out everyday to fundraise for the BC Cancer Foundation and the meaningful work that they do in both research and care for cancer patients.

For this year's event we've created incentives of extra workouts for donations.

Beyond a daily workout, everyday that we receive one or more donations, well add on to our workouts. Owen and Justin will be adding a 5k onto their workouts. Matt will be adding 300 ab focused reps to his workout. That means turning a 10k into a 15k, or a workout session into a 5k track session.

This May, we will be moving every single day to raise funds for life-saving research and care at BC Cancer. I will move for the peple who cannot and for every survivor who now feels strong.

This challenge is more than exercise it's about coming together to go beyond limits in making an impact for the 80,000 British Columbians facing cancer each year.

So, as I get ready to sweat my way through May, please show your support by donating today.

Together, we are stronger than cancer.

Thank you!

Movement Minutes


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Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic