Welcome to Mel's Club!

In June 2020, at 26 years old, my world was turned upside down and I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. It was the peak of the pandemic and I had only just moved to Vancouver 10 months earlier. Life felt heavy. BC Cancer provided me with the most amazing care through chemotherapy, surgery and radiation.

Moving my body played a massive role over the course of my treatment and onwards. Not only did it help keep me healthy but also kept me moving forward and provided me with mental strength.

I completed my first Marathon this month and only plan to continue moving and grooving!

This May we're participating in Workout to Conquer Cancer. Our team is joining others across the province and beyond to move, no matter where we are, every single day of the month, to raise money for cancer research.

Whether we run, walk, stretch or squat, every move we make and dollar we raise will be in support of the 80,000 people facing cancer this year across British Columbia.

Consider moving with us, and join our team! We can work out and fundraise together for this very important cause.

Thank you!


Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic