Here we are 7 years since my husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. Our life was turned upside down & inside out. Our hearts were torn. Roland, being an engineer, was set to take this cancer head on. Step one major surgery. Step two fight through the chemotherapy. Success! But not so fast, in 2020 our hopes and dreams were once again crushed after learning the cancer had spread to his liver. Stage 4 cancer broke us. Although this time we were wiser and stronger as a family. My husband had 60% of his liver removed, underwent chemotherapy for the second time around. Even though it was painful, both physically and mentally, he stayed strong and pushed himself to workout between treatments! This was during the pandemic. We joined an online fitness group - NRG Fitness Inc. which soon became our saviour, our fitness family. Today my husband is in the best shape of his life and also living his best life. Words are not enough to show how thankful we are to those who helped us and continue to help us stay positive and live a healthy lifestyle. Shout out to nrgfitnessinc nrgfitnessinc_online f45 training newwestsouth
Roland would not be where he is today without the exceptional care at BC Cancer.
To our friends and family who know how passionate Roland is about living a healthy lifestyle. Heres your opportunity to show him YOU can and will take care of YOU!
Consider moving with us, and join our team! We can work out and fundraise together for this very important cause.
- Leenah
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