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Movement Minutes


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Welcome to My Personal Page

Held by Laura Allen
$2,500.00 Raised
19 supporters
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. The 1949 Foundation
  2. Anna Ma
  3. John McAuley
  4. Maya Gordon
  5. Wan Family Foundation Match
  6. Anonymous
  7. Mark Duncan
  8. Caitlin Bruce
  9. norm smith
  10. Brenda Lansdowne
  11. Cheryl Close
  12. Marylou Allen
  13. Joey Macey
  14. Sarah Hall
  15. Jan & Gary Schlee
  16. Kara Burns
  17. milosz alvarez
  18. Nicole Holubowich
  19. Melanie Parlette-Stewart


This May, I will be moving every single day to raise funds for life-saving research and care at BC Cancer. I will move for the people who cannot and for every survivor who now feels strong.

This challenge is more than exercise it's about coming together to go beyond limits in making an impact for the 80,000 British Columbians facing cancer each year.

BC Cancer Foundation has some amazing projects underway. My very own rockstar radiation oncologist (Dr. Abraham Alexander) is leading a research project to see if the number of radiation treatments can be administered differently and in fewer treatments for prostate patients. This is huge because it would mean far less travel for the residents of Vancouver Island (radiation is currently daily for 5-8 weeks) and would open up the radiation machine for other patients waiting for radiation for other types of cancer. More information here:

And of course, the new BC Cancer Centre that is being built for Nanaimo! This is HUGE news for all of the residents who live north of Victoria. The new centre would have radiation treatment as well as PET scans. When I was undergoing treatment, Ian and I moved to Victoria for 8 weeks so I could attend radiation daily. While we are SOOOO grateful for the wonderful friends who invited us into their home and lives for that period, it would have been really nice to be at home during this and not have to leave our 4 year old son each week.

As I am now 2 years out of treatment, my goal is to raise $2,000. If you are able, please consider donating to BC Cancer- every little bit helps! Or better yet, consider joining me in working out for 30 days each day in May. Over time I have become more and more convinced that physical exercise has a massive impact on our physical and mental well-being. Prioritize yourself and your loved ones by committing to moving your body each day!

So, as I get ready to sweat my way through May, please show your support by donating today.

Together, we are stronger than cancer.

Thank you!

Movement Minutes


minutes tracked

Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download