Movement Minutes
Fundraising for better outcomes
Workout to Conquer Cancer 2025
Held by Colleen Franks
0 supporters
2 months remaining
Since 2012, I have been fundraising for The BC Cancer Foundation. When Paul Dhillon and I started, we had no idea how this would expand; a team of upwards of 25 riders all driven for a cause and bound and determined to raise 1 Million Dollars for Cancer.
Initially I was driven by my step mom's diagnosis with lung cancer. This year marks 10 years since I lost her. She was not only a step mom but a best friend. She is always at the heart of my fundraising but ultimately I fundraise for the many people I have met and future generations. We are working for Better Outcomes and this is happening.
This year, we will be participating in a one day ride on June 21st as a team and plan to include a running option as well! I will also take the workout to conquer cancer initiative of 30 minutes a day in May as well!!
Thank you for your ongoing and continued support. I know we are all affected by cancer. I truly believe we are making a difference.
To date we have raised $746, 835 for BC Cancer!!!
With Thankfulness,
Movement Minutes
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