Fundraiser Profile Image

Movement Minutes


minutes tracked

Welcome to My Personal Page

Held by Matthew Scott
$2,710.00 Raised
39 supporters
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Rob Mitchell
  2. Wan Family Foundation Match
  3. Graham R Statt
  4. kevin karlson
  5. Glenn Sisson
  6. Sheree Lancaster
  7. Kaley McPhedran
  8. Cameron Baughen
  9. Gail Sisson
  10. Noah Vaisanen
  11. Laura Sisson
  12. Sandy Hodson
  13. Cecil Eaton
  14. Gail Sisson
  15. Heather Manaog
  16. Andy Balfour
  17. Anonymous
  18. Anonymous
  19. Lynda Rozander
  20. Ron Clavette
  21. Breanne Rozander
  22. Orville Dyer
  23. Allison Hinton
  24. Jeremy Storvold
  25. Kate LaBerge family
  26. Melissa Barton
  27. Alistair Wardlaw
  28. Steve Wiens
  29. Devon van der Meulen
  30. Matthew Lee
  31. Matthew Lee
  32. Sara Spencer
  33. Tracy Z
  34. Emma Hartwick
  36. Marnie M
  37. The Lawrence Farm
  38. Brad Besler
  39. Andrea DeVito
  40. Jennifer Lee
  41. Dana Silk
  42. Anonymous
  43. Anonymous
  44. Preston Stochmanski
  45. Matthew Lee
  46. Anonymous
  47. The Yuricks


For the entire month of May my boys and I are participating in "Workout to Conquer Cancer" to get moving and support BC Cancer patients! I'm joining others across the province and beyond to move, no matter where we are, every single day of the month. Mountain biking, running, swimming, hiking, or weight training. MINIMUM of 30 minutes for all 31 days of May.

November 2022 I lost my father to cancer after a very brief & devastating battle. My two Aunts also lost their lives while only in their 40's. Unfair, brutal disease. That's why I've committed to get moving and raise funds for patients, survivors and those we've lost.

This challenge is more than exercise, it's about joining a community who know that together we can make an impact for those we love and have loved.

So, as I get ready to sweat my way through May, please show your support by making a donation today.

Times are tough. I know.
Please spare whatever you can!

Thank you!

Movement Minutes


minutes tracked

Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download