Email Templates


We've made it easy to reach out to your support system with ready-to-use emails. Scroll down to find email templates that help you ask for donations, recruit new team members and thank donors.

Simply copy, paste and make the necessary modifications to the text before hitting send! 

Email to ask for donations

Subject: Help Support my Workout to Conquer Cancer Fundraiser

Hi [Recipient Name],  

I've signed up for the Workout to Conquer Cancer, a month-long fitness challenge benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation! 

During the month of May, I've committed to moving every day to raise funds for BC Cancer. Every dollar raised will stay in the province to fuel life-saving research and accelerate access to care, closer to home, for British Columbians facing cancer. 

I would appreciate your support and consideration of donating to my personal fundraising page. Your donation will help me achieve my fundraising goal and keep me motivated all month long! 

[Insert URL to Your Participant Page]

Thank you so much for your support, 

[Your Name]

Email to grow your team

Subject: Workout with Me to Fuel Hope for Families Facing Cancer!  

Hi [Recipient Name],  

I'm participating in this year's Workout to Conquer Cancer, a month-long fitness challenge benefiting the BC Cancer Foundation. I would love for you to join my team!  

During the month of May, my team and I will be moving for at least 30 minutes every day, from any location, while raising funds to support BC Cancer's innovative research and world-class care.  

As a team, we'll be helping each other fundraise and train together, all while helping to raise awareness for an important cause. Click below to register and join my team!

[Insert URL to Your Team Page]

Want to learn more about Workout to Conquer Cancer? Here’s how it works.  

Together, let's take a step toward conquering cancer for all.  

I can’t wait to move every day in May with you,  

[Your Name]

Email to thank your donors

Subject: Thank You for Your Donation!  

Hi [Recipient Name],  

Thank you for your generous donation to my Workout to Conquer Cancer fundraiser! 

Every dollar raised stays in B.C. and is a step toward conquering cancer for all. Your support helps BC Cancer push the boundaries of what’s possible in cancer research and care, creating hope for thousands of families across the province.  

This initiative is a great reminder that, together, we are stronger than cancer.  

Your support is greatly appreciated! 

Thank you, 

[Your Name]