Team Watson

Team Captain: Karen Demers
Workout to Conquer Cancer 2024
$2,250.00 Raised


Welcome to our team page!

Hello and thank you for reading our team page. I decided to start up a team for Workout to Conquer Cancer because so many courageous people have walked this road. I find myself now having to walk this road myself, but want to honour all those who have fought the good fight and who are continuing to fight and battle cancer.

I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in April and have just begun my cancer journey. I am eternally grateful for the courageous individuals who have travelled this road before me. I especially think of my mother in law Marie Demers who valiantly fought this battle decades ago. If it wasn't for all of the generous donations and people giving their lives to further cancer research, I would not have the optimistic prognosis that I have.

This team is named after the elementary school that I teach at in Chillliwack, BC. I am not the only one in my school community to face this journey. And so I honour them also. I choose to say, "why not me" rather than"why me". I am encouraging other teachers and schools to join me in this effort, not just to support me but to support all those who are in this. They say one out of two British Columbiana is impacted by cancer in someway. I believe this to be true.

Whether we run, walk, stretch or squat, every move we make and dollar we raise will be in support of the 80,000 people facing cancer this year across British Columbia.

Please consider supporting someone on Team Watson to further this important cause.

Thank you!

Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic