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Movement Minutes


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Welcome to My Personal Page

Held by Sandra Herd
$5,280.00 Raised
24 supporters
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Sandra Herd
  2. Doug
  3. Joceline Heersink
  4. Wan Family Foundation Match
  5. Teresa Tyzuk
  6. Jim MacAulay
  7. Deborah Armour
  8. Tracy Defoe
  9. Stuart Herd
  10. Christopher Koentges
  11. Angie
  12. Susanne Fremming
  13. Kenneth Wiecke
  14. Ross Hetherington
  15. Elizabeth A Taggart
  16. Sara Yoshida
  17. Rennie Hapton
  18. A R Plourde
  19. Gordon Hsu
  20. Gerry Chow
  21. Chelsea Powrie
  22. Janet Martini
  23. Anonymous
  24. Jacob Powrie


WEEK FOUR: Yes! That's the hardest part over because there's only less than a week left so my 24 hours in a week goal is done. 3 more days!

WEEK THREE: Yeehaw! Can't believe I've made it through 3 weeks, and with 150 minutes to spare. And with a match to a recent donation, I'm only $130 from target! Thanks everyone.

WEEK TWO: Finishes tonight and as long as I don't wimp out a pickelbabll later this evening, I will have made it again!! Not quite half way yet but it will get done!

WEEK ONE: 6 days in and hit my targets!! 24 hours is tough! Hopefully it gets easier. Tomorrow, Day 7, I just need to do the hour minimum. Aaaahhhhh

This May I'm participating in Workout to Conquer Cancer to get moving and support BC Cancer patients! I did it a few years ago (Covid makes everything shockingly longer ago than I thought) and I happily raised a bunch of money for a cause close to my heart, and I'm hoping to do it again. I lost my mother to cancer way too young and I've since lost more family and friends too early as well. I'm joining others across the province and beyond to move, no matter where we are, every single day of the month.

I am a very active person, so to insert a challenge element into this, my pledge will be a little different. I pledge to exercise a minimum of an hour a day, and a minimum of 24 hours per week and a minimum of five different activities a week. Last time I did this one of the great benefits was it got me to try some new things like swimming and Zumba (interesting!). So I include the variety aspect because otherwise I'd just play 24 hours of pickleball.

One in two British Columbians are impacted by cancer. So please donate to my challenge and join a community who together can make an impact for those we love and have loved.

Thank you!

Movement Minutes


minutes tracked

Activity Tracker presented by Orchid Medical CLinic


Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download